Schorr Law Blog

California Unlawful Detainers – Step by Step Process

Updated on January 27, 2022

California Unlawful Detainer Flow Chart

At Schorr Law, understanding and being proficient in the unlawful detainer process is a neccessary part of our practice.  In fact, although many of our cases involve issues of disputed title, partition, wrongful foreclosure, quiet title and even easements, often times one party tries to exert pressure on the other party through the use of an unlawful detainer action.  This is true because unlawful detainer actions are summary proceedings that are resolved on an expedited basis.

At Schorr Law, our real estate attorneys also represent commercial landlords and tenants in unlawful detainer proceedings.  On a commercial level, the stakes can be quite high. Often times we are charged with evicting or defending businesses that have been in place for years, if not decades.  No matter how big or small the case, it is vital to understand the process.

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The diagram above can be used to understand the basics of the unlawful detainer process.  For a more detailed understanding of the unlawful detainer process, or to buy our ebook regarding the same, visit our sister website at

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